

I was doing some research online on the topic of feeling like you are not able to concentrate, retain and process information and came across this excellent article on  I'm going to share the content in which I found valuable in anyone going through this similar situation because it really seemed to bring light to me with my challenges.

This is what the person who was having difficulty shared:

"I have an embarrassing problem with concentration and retaining information" I am really having an embarrassing problem with concentration and retaining information. I am currently in massage therapy school and I have a problem retaining info. When the instructor demonstrates something, and then the class has to do what she just did, I draw a total blank, it's like the info just skims right over me. For example, she was demonstrating a draping procedure, and for me, it just wasn't sinking in. It was a simple procedure, but I just "blanked out". And the more she showed me the more "blank" I became. She then went thru the procedure step by step as if I was a child while the class stood there and watched. I was completely mortified and just wanted to die right there. It was embarrassing because I was coming off as thick, or slow, and believe me, I'm anything but that! I seem to have memory "black outs". This seems to be a pattern, and I've had other experiences of being shown how to do something over and over, not being able to follow, and being humiliated because people are watching me. I seem to be experiencing a lot of "pressure" when I am comprehending, although at first, no one is pressuring me. I understand the information, but it just isn't sinking in.

This is what the author of shared:

  1. Knowing that this is the way you are wired up, accept it as neither right nor wrong - just as what is for you. Love yourself, and let yourself be where you are with it. It is in no way a lessening of your intelligence or competence. It just means that you learn in your own way, and knowing what way that is will help you create ways of learning that are right for you. We all process information differently, and once we know which way we do it, we can relax and work with it. Explore ways that work for you to learn, and when in a student role, let the teacher know what works for you so he or she can understand and offer it to you in an honoring way. Speak your truth to them calmly without any judgment of yourself.
  2. So - in regards to this, let go of the need to judge yourself. Increase, instead, your susceptibility to having love and honoring behavior extended to you by others - and this comes about as a reflection of the love and honoring YOU offer yourself. The first is simply a mirror for how you love yourself. As you live in the vibrational frequency of loving and honoring yourself, this then, is what you create in your world and experiences, because it is what you ARE - and like attracts like. To embody vision and acceptance, we must first admit the perfection of our own life. (go over this one a bit... it's key.)

  3. Increase your tendency to just let things happen rather then make them happen. Move into a state of "allowing" rather then exerting pressure (that is, I think, the pressure that you are feeling due to a fear of being embarrassed and humiliated. This fear of being humiliated needs to be explored and released - it is shame based, and fear based - not love based. And if you have had ADHD stuff going on and not knowing it, then it makes sense that you would not have understood, and others would not have understood, how you need to take in info - and after many experiences of feeling not like others or embarrassed or not good enough in regards to this, it is natural that you would have fear up about being embarrassed again. Acceptance and appreciation of yourself is the antidote.... Gratitude for who you are.
  4. Strengthen your life force energy in general. You do this, again, by loving yourself and not putting pressure or stress on yourself. Use the breath - tune into your Chi, or life force energy, and allow it to expand. Be gentle, not rigid with yourself. When one is rigid, or in shame, fear, etc., it constrains the flow of life force energy - constricts it. That is what is meant with the phrase go with the flow. Life force is flow. It is self love, first and foremost.

The bottom line is this, Shame is a big fat liar.  You are lovable just the way you are.  Love and accept yourself, your warts and all and the universe will reflect that back to you.  Just like the Olympics that succeed with only one arm, or leg - if we have problems in this area of learning, we can overcome it.  There is nothing to be ashamed of, we are intelligent, we just process information differently, we need to find what works for us.  When we transform fear into love, we have overcome the challenge that we have set forth in our lifetime on loving and accepting ourselves just the way we are.

"For those of us who had to endure incredible losses and sorrows life demands an awakening of a much more profound nature than those who have not. We must find lessons and weave meaning out of the sorrows we had to bear. For many of us have been challenged to live out circumstances in which our hearts have been splintered and broken in two. Our task is to find our way through the ruins so we may, as the zen saying goes "allow our hearts to break open." It is here that one not only comes to love again, but actually comes to love in a way that heals the entire world."

re·sil·ience   [ri-zil-yuhns, -zil-ee-uhns] noun 1. the power or ability to return to the original form, position, etc., after being bent, compressed, or stretched; elasticity. 2. ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyancy.

strength   [strength, strength, strength] noun 1. the quality or state of being strong; bodily or muscular power; vigor. 2. mental power, force, or vigor. 3. moral power, firmness, or courage.
I remember sitting across from my therapist.  I could not pin-point the feeling I have experienced for pretty much all my life.
I had this really painful feeling sitting in my stomach whenever I thought I would be "found out".  I was hiding Shameful feelings of being Dumb, Forgetful, Klutzy and Inferior. 

Shame manifests itself from either teachers, caregivers, kids at school when we are humiliated and embarrassed from something that we did, said or maybe the way that we look.  As I learned, it also manifests from your earliest days of being a child when we are made to feel bad.  The only logical way to process and survive is to blame ourselves because our caregivers are our gods, we have no way of understanding that we aren't bad, so we take those shameful feelings in and blame ourselves to survive our environment. 
One of the events in my life that deepened my Shame was when I started a new Middle School.  I was in sixth grade and I made friends with a group of girls that I invited over to my house.  Days later when I called one of the girls she told me that she could not be friends with me because if she was, the other girls wouldn't be friends with her.  Ever since that day, I found myself feeling and acting shameful which left me isolated and targeted to be bullied and made fun of throughout Middle School.  I now can look back as an adult and understand that those kids didn't understand why I was different, they couldn't even process it at that time, they were being kids.  My parents were going through a divorce.  My Addict Mother had custody of us and my Father was a Raging Narc. My Mother had us shopping for school clothes at the Salvation Army and would get food from the Church.  I went from living in a Upper-Middle class home with Mom and Dad, to living in poverty with abuse and neglect from all angles.  My Father would embarrass me when he had visitation rights by saying "stock up" when we were eating over a family members house, or out to eat with him implying that we had no food at my Mom's house.  If I would bump into something my Dad would say "Are you sure you are alright, can you see, is there something wrong with you and laugh condescendingly about me being a Klutz, calling me Dizzy and implying that I was a complete mess.


1. Talk about your shameful feelings to a safe friend, family member, counselor or therapist. Once you get it out in the open it is no longer hidden and slowely you heal from exposing those feelings.

2. Write about your shame.  Uncover the truth, learn about shame, the more you know about what shame is, you understand it isn't yours and develope new ways of cognitive thinking to combat it.

3. Commit to your well-being, be gentle with yourself but also challenge yourself to transform into a more positive person by doing affirmations, getting with a counselor or therapist and replacing negative thoughts with the truth. Truth always brings light, it kills the fungus of the deception you are a shameful person.  The truth is you are a worthwhile, lovable and valuable human being.  There are many blessings of lifes challenges even if they look ugly on the outside!